Barbell PARTS and Equipment

When you order York Bar Bells, plates. collars, parts and other accessories you receive the finest equipment which can be manufactured, well finished, well packed. guaranteed perfect, and best of all you receive prompt shipment. We are the largest producers of adjustable barbells and dumbells, as well as parts and accessories in the entire world. This is not a happy accident but the result of supplying good quality. good service and best value. Your purchases of barbells. adjustable dumbells and other equipment. make possible this magazine, which is of inestimable help and encouragement to many thousands of barbell men.

All the equipment we offer is sold on a very close margin of profit. You can order with confidence from the York Bar Bell Company for we are well rated in Dunand Bradstreet's financially and morally responsible. If any customer registers dissatisfaction with any purchase we replace it, or refund the amount paid. You are sure to be satisfied with your purchase.

The Famous York Bar Bell Sets and the York Bar Bell and Dumbell courses you will find advertised elsewhere in this maga-


BARBELL PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Latest type extra heavy duty inside barbell collars-5 pounds per pair....$2.00 Latest type, extra heavy duty, wrenchless collars-5 pounds per pair.......

A turn of the hand locks these collars in place. You can modernize your set with new collars and new dumbellswing bars.


Small wrenchless collars, used on Simplex and 4 ft. Aristocrat bars-Pr..... 1.00 Standard barbell collars-Pr.


Standard dumbell collars-per pair


Wrench for tightening square head set



Allenhead wrench


Special revolving kettlebell handlesPrice Per pair


One pair of 13 inch steel pipe bars, 2 sleeves, 4 lock collars and a wrench. 3.50 New 14 inch solid dumbell and swing bells. of the new type wrenchless collars. and polished chromium revolving sleeves. Same type of bars used with the Aristocrat sets. Pr.... 5.00

4 ft. polished steel bar, with small wrenchless collars, similar to the bar used with the Simplex set. Wt. of bar 15 pounds....

5 ft. polished steel, knurled bar with extra heavy duty inside and wrenchless collar, similar to bar used with 110 pound Deluxe combinationweight of bar and collars complete. 25 pounds



6 ft. polished steel. knurled bar with extra heavy duty inside and wrenchless collars, similar to bar used with 215 pound Deluxe set-weight of bar and collars complete. 30 pounds...... 7.00

Modernize your old set by purchasing some of the following equipment. Polish chromium, hand fitting revolving dumbell handles. Pr.


(Continued from page 31)

The exercises I am going to describe are not for beginners, but if you are an advanced weight trainer, they may be just what your body needs. I know they have worked well for me. This routine could be especially valuable for men who find it hard to make their upper bodies respond as well as their legs. I do not recommend it to anyone who hasn't exercised with weights for at least six months with more orthodox training.

Here is the routine as I followed it, and let me warn you that it is a tough one which takes a lot of determination: 1. Alternate sets of Bent Arm Laterals and Incline Presses, four sets of each. Also alternate the repetitions from six to 12 with every other set. (Ex: 12 BALS,

6 ILs, 6 BALS, 12 ILs, 12 BALS, etc.)

2. Alternate sets of Supine Rowing

and Lat Pulls, three sets of each; 10 reps rowing and 8 reps lat pulls.

3. Alternate sets of Press Behind Neck and Lateral Raise, Seated, three sets of each. Also alternate the reps from 8 to 10. (Ex: 10 PBNs, 8 LRs, 8 PBNs, 10 LRs, 10 PBNs, etc.)


Alternate sets of Kick Backs and Seated Dumbell Curls, three sets of each. Reps are as follows: 10 KBs, 8 DCs, 8 KBs, 6 DCs, 10 KBs, 8 DCs.

5. Alternate sets of Triceps Pullover and Press and Alternate Dumbell Curls, three sets of each. Reps are as follows: 10 TPs, 8 ADCs, 8 TPs, 6 ADCs, 10 TPs, 8 ADCs.

6. Alternate sets of Triceps Extension with Towel and Isolated Curls, two sets of each. Eight reps for triceps and 10 reps for curls.

The exercises are performed as follows: (Do not cheat. If unable to do the exercise correctly, use less weight.) Bent Arm Laterals: Lie on a bench with two dumbells directly over your chin, palms in. Taking a deep breath, lower the dumbells to the sides with slightly bent arms, allowing the weight to drop until the dumbells are level with your ears. Without pausing, bring them back to the starting position and


Incline Press: In this exercise the head end of the bench is raised and the dumbells are held end to end. They are lowered well to the sides from directly over your face until they are in line with your ears. Without pausing, you push them back to the starting position.

Rowing, Supine: A high bench is needed for this one. Lying face down on the bench, reach down and grasp the barbell with a very wide grip. Take a deep breath and pull the weight up until it hits the bench before letting it down again. You will find it hard to cheat while exercising the upper back in this manner.

Lat Pulls I included this in the program to develop the lower portion of the latissimus dorsi muscles. If you have any kind of an overhead pulley set-up you can do it. Either grasp

a towel wrapped around the bar or hold the bar with a close grip. Make sure that the arms are held straight throughout the movement. As shown in the photo, it is best to have someone hold your shoulders so you won't be pulled forward. With the arms held out at an angle above the shoulders,

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Chrome plated, knurled revolving steel sleeves. Identical to those supplied with the Aristocrat type of York barbell.

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JULY, 1955

take a deep breath and make the latissimus muscles pull the weight down until your arms are brought in to the abdominal area. Let the weight up so it is always under control and doesn't jerk at the top as you exhale.

Press behind neck: This is an old stand-by and I don't think it can be beaten as a deltoid exercise. Be sure you do your presses with a wide grip, or the strain will be taken from the shoulders.

In doing presses behind neck I breathe before the barbell leaves the shoulders, and press the weight to arms' length and lower it before exhaling. I find it is easier to pause and rest with the barbell on my shoulders than when I am holding it at arms' length.

Lateral Raise, Seated: Use light dumbells when starting this exercise. Hold them at the sides, with palms in. Take a deep breath and raise the dumbells directly to the sides, with knuckles up, until they are at shoulder height. Be sure your arms are held straight throughout.

Triceps Kick Back: A favorite exercise of Bob Shealy, who developed terific arms, this is difficult to learn at first, so I suggest you take it easy at the start. Lie on a, bench with the back of the head extending beyond the end of the bench. Hold a light barbell with a narrow grip and lower it back over your head until your upper arms are parallel with the floor and forearms hanging at a right angle. Keep the elbows close to your ears and the upper arms level, and extend your arms until they are straight with the weight on a level with your head. Make sure that the upper arm is held stationary during the exercise and that the elbows act as hinges.

Seated Dumbell Curls: These are regular curls in a seated position. Bring the dumbells from a hanging position at the sides up to the shoulders, trying to keep the elbows as stationary as possible in order to confine the action to the biceps.

Triceps Pullover and Press: This is one of my favorite exercises for the triceps. To start the exercise, lie on a bench with a barbell held at arms' length directly over the shoulders. Using a close grip, let the barbell down. behind the head while keeping upper arms straight and using the elbows as hinges. You will have to raise your head off the bench as the barbell comes down to allow it to pass behind the head. From there you pull the weight over the head to the chest and then press it to arms' length again.

Alternate Dumbell Curls: Alternate curls are done like regular curls except that one dumbell is raised as the other is lowered. It is a good idea to take a deep breath for each curl instead of trying to hold one breath during the whole time it takes to complete a curl with each hand.

Triceps Extension with Towel: Anyone can do this movement because the only thing needed is a towel or something similar to work with. Get a good grip at one end of a towel and hold it directly overhead, dangling down your back. Have your training partner hold the other end. The idea is that he pull the arms down while you resist, and you force them back up as he resists. Make sure the action


is steady and even, and keep the elbows close to the ears and the upper arms stationary.

Isolation Curl: This is similar to the one arm flexing exercise with dumbell known as

the "concentration curl." Lean forward at the waist and rest your forearm on an object a bit more than waist high. Then rest your head on your forearm and grasp a dumbell in the free hand. Keeping the upper arm stationary, curl the weight all the way up. Let the dumbell down and repeat. After completing the desired number of repetitions, change hands and repeat.


(Continued from page 28)

a lake 75 miles from the city. Although I successfully water skied for the first time last year at Acapulco, I did not become a ski addict like Johnny Terpak and Jim Park, who practiced all summer on a river near York. But I went along and took plenty of lotion with me. We drove for many miles through desert country and as we descended from the plateau we were soon in tropical country. It was hot, almost breath-taking as we got ready to go out on the lake, and as I felt the heat even I wondered a bit. Johnny had been down coaching the Mexican team for a few weeks and had a pretty good tan. I hadn't been out since the year before, and it was searing hot. Pedro, Johnny and I applied Hoffman's Sun Tan Lotion. Pedro's companion, a man we know as "The Professor," although already tanned, was applying a locallymade lotion which must have been made of nothing but mineral oil and iodine, for I noticed it was greasy and left dark streaks. I couldn't talk to the man, for he knew little English, so we let him use his own lotion. We spent six or seven hours in the speed boat, towing Johnny Terpak while he gave us an exhibition of ski jumping. The day before he had been at the lake and failed five times to keep upright as he went over the ramp, but this time he succeeded three times. I took my turn on the skis and found it very easy, for after all at one time I was the world champion canoesist. For 14 years I was never defeated in canoe tilting or gunwhale canoe racing; so balance was easy for me. Then we rode surf board towed behind the fast boat. At one time Johnny and I both were on the surf board, he in the back and I in the front. He was kneeling and they managed to shake him off, then my end of the board suddenly went under a wave and I was washed off with a mouth and throat full of water. Try diving under the waves at 40 miles an hour and see how much water you swallow! The boat went nearly a mile before it turned around to pick us up and I-with the water I had swallowed-wasn't so sure I would be there when they got back, but I was.

After these hours of wonderful outdoor recreation we went back to the hotel and I showed all who were interested that my bald head was just as cool as it is right now. Your head can become hot without blistering or ac-

JULY, 1955

tually burning, but the fact that my head, exposed to the tropical sun for the first time, was so well protected by Hoffman's lotion is more proof that this amazing lotion is truly the best. The next day people started to talk about the fine tan I had and asked how long I had been in Mexico City. They stared in disbelief when I told them the tan was the result of one day in the sun.

Another supreme test for our lotion was climbing Popocatepetl, the famous volcanic mountain which can be seen from Mexico City on any clear day. The day after the weight lifting competition we were scheduled to climb this mountain. It is 17,800 feet high, the third highest peak in North America. Except at the very top, where it is often foggy, the sun is intense. The higher you go, the hotter it gets, the more it burns. It is not wise to eat regular food on such a climb, because it makes one sick, so our equipment consisted of a two-pound box of Hi-Proteen Special tablets, sun tan lotion and Hoffman's Rub. A generous meal for all, picnic style, awaited us when we came down the mountain. Not one of the group of climbers, which included Johnny Terpak, Pete George and Joe Pitman, who looked down into the mouth of the crater at the very pinnacle, and the others who reached various points of the huge ice field which caps the mountain, were burned... except the dark Mexican "Professor." Still using his oily lotion, several days later he exhibited a mottled appearance of dark and light skin from his peeling so that he looked like he had some sort of skin disease. You can be sure that he and all the others who saw the results are now convinced that there is nothing as good-nothing nearly as good-as Hoffman's Sun Tan Lotion. It is good for galling, too. After climbing and hiking over rough country for more than 20 actual miles (much farther actually, because for every foot forward one slides back at least a half foot because of the lava dust) there are some sore or galled spots and the lotion is wonderfully soothing.

These were our personal experiences with the hot Mexican sun, but we heard favorable reports from others. One night at the lifting competition a group of oarsmen, led by U.S. champion Jack Kelly, who is one of the most enthusiastic users of Hoffman products, were present and they were bragging about the results they got with Hoffman's lotion. One man insisted on taking off his shirt to show me the effect. It was startling news to him, but an old story to me. A man reaches up as far as possible as he puts the lotion on his back, and reaches down as far as possible over his shoulders, but he misses a strip about an inch wide which zig-zags across his back. A drop or two runs down over the exposed portion. The upper back is brown, the lower back is brown, the streaks where the lotion ran down is brown, but the portion which the lotion did not reach is burned and peeling. This happens frequently and is good proof of the excellence of the product.

We have been offering Hoffman's Sun Tan Lotion to readers of this mag(Continued on page 54) 53